704.94853 B358r
Bayliss Wyke, ;
"Rex regum : a painter's study of the likeness of Christ from the time of the apostles to the present day / Bayliss Wyke. — : Sampson, Low, Marston and Co., 1966. — 272 c.. — "This book includes some of the most significant articles printed in the journal Christianity and crisis, over a; """A collection of worship aids based on the lectionary...""--T.p." ; 12 (466-506)"
УДК 704.94853 B358r
ДКД 704.94853 B358r
ДКД 704.94853 B358r
"This book includes some of the most significant articles printed in the journal Christianity and crisis, over a; """A collection of worship aids based on the lectionary...""--T.p." ; 12 (466-506)"
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