Труды СПбХУ № 8 : Дух Святой: История, богословие, практика (Record no. 52687)

000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 01187naa1 22002291 4500
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20171204c2016 |||y0rusy50 ca
101 0# - Language of the Resource
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. Русский
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production
Country of Publication Россия
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper Труды СПбХУ № 8 : Дух Святой: История, богословие, практика
General Material Designation Выпуск
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility Ред. В.А. Аликин, М.В. Карякина
207 #0 - Material Specific Area: Numbering of Continuing Resources
Numbering: Dates and Volume Designations 8: Дух Святой: История, богословие, практика
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. Санкт-Петербург
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Санкт-Петербургский Христианский ун-т
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. 2016
461 #0 - Set Level
Linking Data 2001
Title Труды СПбХУ
530 0# - Key Title (Continuing Resources)
Key Title Труды СПбХУ
610 0# - Uncontrolled Subject Terms
Subject Term Святой Дух / The Holy Spirit
610 0# - Uncontrolled Subject Terms
Subject Term Пятидесятники - см. также Пятидесятническая Церковь
610 0# - Uncontrolled Subject Terms
Subject Term Святой Дух -- Отцы Церкви / The Holy Spirit -- Church Fathers
700 #1 - Personal Name - Primary Responsibility
Entry Element Аликин
Part of Name Other than Entry Element В. А.
Dates 1974-
Expansion of Initials of Forename (Валерий Александрович)
801 #0 - Originating Source
Country Россия
Agency Библиотека СПбХу
Date of Transaction 20171204
Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) rusmarc
852 ## - Location and Call Number
Institution Identifier SPbCU
090 ## - System Control Numbers (Koha)
Koha biblioitem number (autogenerated) 52687
Koha item type Периодические издания
Source of classification or shelving scheme ДКД - Десятичная классификация Дьюи
Withdrawn status Lost status Origin of item (home branch (coded) Lending or holding organisation (holding branch) code Shelving location Circulation type (not for loan) Type of item and material
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