Роль Духа Святого в ветхозаветном харизматическом лидерстве (Record no. 58595)

000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 01394naa2 2200241 4500
001 - Record Identifier
control field 58595
005 - Version Identifier
control field 20220318135300.0
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20220209d2016 u||y0rusy50 ca
101 0# - Language of the Resource
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. Русский
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production
Country of Publication Россия
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper Роль Духа Святого в ветхозаветном харизматическом лидерстве
General Material Designation Статья
First Statement of Responsibility Д.С. Самойленков
Other Title Information история Саула и Давида
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Санкт-Петербургский Христианский Университет
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. 2016
215 ## - Physical Description
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item с. 7-26
461 #0 - Set Level
Title Труды СПбХУ. Вып. 8.. Дух Святой : история, богословие, практика.
Author Под. ред. В.А.Аликина и М.В.Карякиной.
Place of Publication Санкт-Петербург
Date of Publication 2016
463 #0 - Piece Level
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Санк-Петербургский Христианский Университет
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms
Subject Term Святой Дух / The Holy Spirit
700 #1 - Personal Name - Primary Responsibility
Entry Element Самойленков
Part of Name Other than Entry Element Д. С.
Expansion of Initials of Forename Даниил Сергеевич
702 #1 - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Koha Internal Code 131
Entry Element Аликин
Part of Name Other than Entry Element В. А.
Dates 1974-
Expansion of Initials of Forename (Валерий Александрович)
702 #1 - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Koha Internal Code 132
Entry Element Карякина
Part of Name Other than Entry Element М.В.
Expansion of Initials of Forename Мария Валерьевна
710 #1 - Corporate Body Name - Primary Responsibility
Entry Element Санкт-Петербургский Христианский университет
801 ## - Originating Source
Agency Библиотека СПбХУ
Country Россия
090 ## - System Control Numbers (Koha)
Koha biblioitem number (autogenerated) 58595
Koha item type Статья в журнале/сборнике
Withdrawn status Lost status Origin of item (home branch (coded) Lending or holding organisation (holding branch) code Shelving location Circulation type (not for loan) Type of item and material
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