000 -Record Label |
fixed length control field |
01322nam1 2200289 4500 |
001 - Record Identifier |
control field |
59210 |
005 - Version Identifier |
control field |
20240904164439.0 |
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN) |
Number (ISBN) |
9785288045233 |
100 ## - General Processing Data |
General Processing Data |
20240904d2007 u||y0rusy50 ca |
101 0# - Language of the Resource |
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. |
Русский |
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production |
Country of Publication |
Россия |
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility |
Title Proper |
Четвертые Торчиновские чтения. Философия, религия и культура стран Востока |
Other Title Information |
Материалы научной кон ференции. Санкт-Петербург, 7-10 февраля 2007г. |
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility |
Сост. и отв. ред. С.В. Пахомов |
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc. |
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. |
Санкт-Петербург |
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. |
Изд-во С.-Петербургского университета |
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. |
2007 |
215 ## - Physical Description |
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item |
817 с. |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Древний Восток -- Религия |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Буддизм / Buddhism |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Древнеиудейский мессионизм |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Религиоведение |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Грехопадение человека / Fall of man |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Иоанн Креститель / John, the Baptist, Saint. |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms |
Subject Term |
Сотворение мира / Creation |
676 ## - Dewey Decimal Classification |
Number |
200 Ч52 |
702 #1 - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility |
Koha Internal Code |
3130 |
Entry Element |
Пахомов |
Part of Name Other than Entry Element |
С. В. |
801 ## - Originating Source |
Country |
Россия |
Agency |
Date of Transaction |
2024 09 04 |
Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) |
852 ## - Location and Call Number |
Institution Identifier |
090 ## - System Control Numbers (Koha) |
Koha biblioitem number (autogenerated) |
59210 |
Source of classification or shelving scheme |
ДКД - Десятичная классификация Дьюи |
Koha item type |
Книга |
Полочный индекс |
200 Ч52 |