Acts (Record no. 59254)
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000 -Record Label | |
fixed length control field | 01464nam1 2200253 4500 |
001 - Record Identifier | |
control field | 59254 |
005 - Version Identifier | |
control field | 20241202145231.0 |
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN) | |
Number (ISBN) | 9780801026683 |
100 ## - General Processing Data | |
General Processing Data | 20241202d2007 u||y0engy50 ba |
101 0# - Language of the Resource | |
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. | Английский |
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production | |
Country of Publication | Соединенные Штаты Америки |
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility | |
Title Proper | Acts |
First Statement of Responsibility | D. L. Bock |
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc. | |
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. | Grand Rapids |
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. | Baker Academic |
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. | 2007 |
215 ## - Physical Description | |
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item | xx, 848 c. |
Other Physical Details | map |
225 ## - Series | |
Series Title | Baker exegetical commentary on the New Testamen |
320 ## - Internal Bibliographies/Indexes Note | |
Text of Note | Includes bibliographical references (p. 761-781) and indexes. |
327 ## - Contents Note | |
Text of Note | Contents Introduction: Jesus ascends to the Father and gives a mission (1:1-11) -- The early church in Jerusalem (1:12-6:7) -- Persecution in Jerusalem moves the message to Judea and Samaria as a new witness emerges (6:8-9:31) -- The Gospel to the Gentiles and more persecution in Jerusalem (9:32-12:25) -- The mission from Antioch and the full incorporation of Gentiles (13:1-15:35) -- The second and third missionary journeys : expansion to Greece and consolidation amid opposition (15:36-21:16) -- The arrest : the message is defended and reaches Rome (21:17-28:31). |
610 ## - Uncontrolled Subject Terms | |
Subject Term | Библия. Н.З. Деяния Апостолов -- Комментарии / Bible. N.T. Acts -- Commentaries |
676 ## - Dewey Decimal Classification | |
Number | 225.706 B168 |
700 #1 - Имя лица - первичная ответственность | |
Начальный элемент ввода | Bock |
Часть имени, кроме начального элемента ввода | Darrell L. |
Даты | 1953- |
Расширение инициалов личного имени | Darrell Lane |
801 ## - Originating Source | |
Country | Россия |
Agency | SPbCU |
Date of Transaction | 2024 12 02 |
Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) | RCR |
852 ## - Location and Call Number | |
Institution Identifier | SPbCU |
090 ## - System Control Numbers (Koha) | |
Koha biblioitem number (autogenerated) | 59254 |
Source of classification or shelving scheme | ДКД - Десятичная классификация Дьюи |
Koha item type | Книга |
Полочный индекс | 225.706 B168 |
Withdrawn status | Lost status | Origin of item (home branch (coded) | Lending or holding organisation (holding branch) code | Shelving location | Barcode | Call number (full call number) | Circulation type (not for loan) | Цена | Type of item and material | Поставщик | Copy note | Coded location qualifier |
Библиотека СПбХУ | Библиотека СПбХУ | читальный зал | 028856 | 225.706 B168 | 2621.80 | Справочная литература | Анонимный жертвователь | 12.24 | 20241030 |