The Descent of Christ: Ephesians 4:7-11 and Traditional Hebrew Imagery / Harris III Hall W.
Main Author: Harris III, Hall W.Language: Английский.Country: Россия.Publication: Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1998Description: 221 c.ISBN: 0-8010-2191-X.Series: Biblical studies libraryDewey: 227.506 H313dSubject: Библия. В.З. Псалмы -- Kомментарии / Bible. O.T. Psalms -- Commentaries | Библия. Н.З. Ефесянам - Комментарии / Bible. N.T. Ephesians -- Commentaries | Bible. N.T. Ephesians IV, 7-11 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc | Bible. O.T. Psalms LXVIII, 19 -- Criticism, interpretation, Psalms | Библия. В.З. Псалом 68,19 -- Отношение к Ефесянам / Bible. O.T. Psalms LXVIII, 19 -- Relation to Ephesians
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