У подножия креста : Размышления о свидетелях драмы. / Бокэм Ричард ; Харт Тревор = At the Cross : meditations on people who were there ; Bauckham Richard
Main Author: Бокэм, РичардSecondary Author: Харт, Тревор, Bauckham, RichardUniform Conventional Heading: At the Cross : meditations on people who were thereLanguage: Русский ; of original work, Английский.Country: Россия.Publication: Черкассы : Коллоквиум, 2007Description: 144 с. c.ISBN: 966-89570-4-0.Subject: Библия. Н.З.Евангелия -- Биографии / Bible. N.T. Gospels -- Biography | Иисус Христос -- Страдания -- Размышления / Jesus Christ -- Passion -- Meditations
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