Управляя изменениями (+ CD) / Адизес Ицхак К. ; Adizes Ichak K. = Mastering change : the power of mutual trust and respect in personal life, family life, business, and society
Main Author: Адизес, Ицхак К.Secondary Author: Adizes, Ichak K.Uniform Conventional Heading: Mastering change : the power of mutual trust and respect in personal life, family life, business, and societyLanguage: Русский ; of original work, Английский.Country: Россия.Publication: : Питер, 2011Description: 224 с. c.ISBN: 5-911804-86-7.Series: Теория менеджментаSubject: Лидерство, руководство / Leadership | Менеджмент, управление / Management
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