296.155 D278
Whitaker Richard E., ; Charlesworth Hickerson Starbuck Stuckenbruck James H., L.G., S.R.A., L.T., ;
The Dead sea scrolls : Graphic Concordance : to the dead sea scrolls / Whitaker Richard E. ; Charlesworth James H. ; Hickerson L.G. ; Starbuck S.R.A. ; Stuckenbruck L.T.. — Tübingen; Louisville : xxx : Westminster John Knox Press, 1991. — 0 c.. — (The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea scrolls project). — Introductory material in English, concordance in the original Hebrew and Aramaic
УДК 296.155 D278
ДКД 296.155 D278
ДКД 296.155 D278
Introductory material in English, concordance in the original Hebrew and Aramaic