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41. Иоанн Ефесский и его церковно-исторические труды. Типы высшей богословской школы в древней Церкви в III - VI вв. Кир Батнский, сирийский церковный историк VII в. К истории сирийского сказания о св. Мар-Евгене. / Дьяконов А. П.Publication: СПб. : Изд-во Олега Абышко, 2006Description: 656 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270.2 Д93] (1).

42. Geschichte der urchristlichen Literatur : Einleitung in das Neue Testament, die Apokryphen und die Apostolischen Vater / Vielhauer PhilippPublication: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1975Description: 813 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270.1 V53] (1).

43. Reading the Church Fathers. / Ludlow Morwenna ; Douglass ScotPublication: : T&T Clark, 2011Description: xxiv, 200 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270 R42] (1).

44. A new Eusebius : Documents Illustrating the history of the church to AD 337. / Stevenson J. ; Frend W.H.C.Publication: Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2013Description: xxvi, 460 p., map c.Availability: Items available for reference: [270.1 N39s] (1).

45. Возникновение христианской литературы / Виппер Р.Ю.Publication: Москва : Академия наук СССР, 1946Description: 287 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [225 В51в] (1).

46. Christology of the later fathers / Edited by Hardy Edward R.Publication: Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press, 1954Description: 400 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [232 C556h] (1).

47. A Patristic Greek lexicon / Lampe G.W.H.Publication: Wilmore : Oxford University Press, 1961Description: xlvii, 1568 p. c.Availability: Items available for reference: [270 L237] (1).

48. Vigiliae Christianae : A review of early Christian life and languagePublication: Leiden : BrillAvailability: Items available for reference: (1).

49. Die Auferstehung des Propheten und die Erhohung des Menschensohnes : Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Deutung des Geschickes Jesu in fruhchristlichen Texten / Berger Klaus [Книга]Publication: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1976Description: 650 с.Availability: Items available for loan: [232.5 B45 1976] (1).

50. Creeds, councils, and controversies : documents illustrating the history of the church, AD 337-461 / edited by J. Stevenson ; revised by W.H.C. FrendPublication: Grand Rapids : Baker Acadmic, 2012Description: xxiv, 479 p : mapAvailability: Items available for loan: [270.2 C72 2012] (1).

51. Asking the fathers / Aelred SquirePublication: London : SPCK, 1994Description: 248 p.Availability: Items available for loan: [248.3 S774 1994] (1).

52. Patrology / Berthold Altaner ; Translated by Hilda C.GraffPublication: New York : Herder and Herder, 1961Description: 659 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270 A464p 1961] (1).

53. The Apostolic Fathers : Greek text and English translations / Ed. and translated by Michael W. HolmesPublication: Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2007Description: xxv, 801 c. : mapsAvailability: Items available for loan: [270.1 A645] (1). Items available for reference: [270.1 A645 ] (1).

54. The metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church : from the New Testament to the beginning of the fifth century / I.A.H. CombesPublication: Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press, 1998Description: 210 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [225.6 C65] (1).

55. Kompendium der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen. B.2 : Die wunder der Apostel / herausgegeben von Ruben ZimmermannPublication: Gütersloh : Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2017Description: xv, 1157 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.706 K81] (1).

56. Early Christian paraenesis in context / edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen and James StarrPublication: : Walter de Gruyter, 2005Description: vii, 616 сюAvailability: Items available for loan: [225.6 Е13] (1).

57. Der neue Bund in der frühchristlichen Literatur : unter Berücksichtigung der alttestamentlich-jüdischen Voraussetzungen / Petrus J. GräbePublication: : Echter Verlag, 2001Description: x, 246 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [231.76 G73] (1).

58. Early Christian and Jewish narrative : the role of religion in shaping narrative forms / еd. by Ilaria RamelliPublication: Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2015Description: viii, 373 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220 E37r] (1).

59. The early christians after the death of the apostles : selected and edited from all the sources of the first centuries. / Arnold, EberhardPublication: Rifton : Plough Pub. House, 1970Description: xii, 469 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270.108 A713] (1).

60. Патрология. Т.1 :Церковная письменность доникейского периода : учебник / А.И. Сидоров, П. К. Доброцветов, А. Р ФокинPublication: Москва : Познание, 2019Description: 376 с.Availability: Items available for loan: [270 С34] (1).

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