Your search returned 69 results. Subscribe to this search

41. Hope for the world : a Christian vision of the last things. / Chia RolandPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 2005Description: 164 с. c. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [236 С532 | BT821.3.C45 ] (1).

42. Her hand in marriage : biblical courtship in the modern world / Wilson DouglasPublication: : Canon Press, 2004Description: 95 с. c. ; 22 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [241.67 W747] (1).

43. Лидерство в Царстве Божьем: Учет условий изменяющегося мира в стратегиях церкви. / Фэр Иан ; Fair Ian A. = Leadership in the kingdom : sensitive strategies for the church in a changing world.Publication: : Свежинцев Е.Е., 2008Description: 412 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [658.40923 Ф98] (2).

44. Церковь в изгнании : Противостояние Божьей культуры культуре нехристианского мира. / Томпсон Джеймс ; Thompson James W. = The church in exile : God's counter-culture in a non-Christian world.Publication: : Вита Интернешнл, 2006Description: 125 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.92 Т56] (1).

45. Christian Mission in the Modern World / Stott JohnPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 2012Description: 191 с. c. ; 18 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [266 S76] (1).

46. The religion of the earliest churches : creating a symbolic world / Theissen GerdPublication: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 1999Description: 393 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270.1 T441] (1).

47. Magic and Paganism in Early Christianity : The World of the Act of the Apostles / Klauck Hans-JosefPublication: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2000Description: xii, 136 p. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270.1 K63] (1).

48. The Word That Redescribes the World : The Bible and Discipleship / Brueggemann WalterPublication: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2006Description: xv, 237 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [230.041 B78] (1).

49. Faithful Interpretation : Reading the Bible in a Postmodern World / Adam Andrew Keith MalcolmPublication: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 2006Description: 193 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.601 A319] (1).

50. The Jewish World around the New Testament / Bauckham RichardPublication: Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2008Description: vi, 548 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [225.6 B337] (1).

51. Theopolitical Imagination : Discovering the Liturgy as a Political Act in Age of Global Consumerism / Cavanaugh William T.Publication: : T&T Clark, 2002Description: 126 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [261.7 С38] (1).

52. Living Gently in a Violent World : The Prophetic Witness of Weaknes / Hauerwas Stanley ; Vanier JeanPublication: Downers Grove : IVP Books, 2008Description: 115 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [261.832 Н38] (1).

53. Christians In The Holy Land / Prior Michael ; Taylor WilliamPublication: : World of Islam Festival Trust, 1994Description: 235 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [275.694 C450] (1).

54. Baptists Against Racism : United in Christ for Racial Reconciliation / Lotz DentonPublication: : The Baptist World Alliance, 1999Description: 192 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [261.8348 L885] (1).

55. Соприкасаясь с миром ислама. / Суортли Кис = Encountering the world of Islam.Publication: Черкассы : Смирна, 2013Description: 680 с. c. : ил.Availability: Items available for loan: [261.27 С89] (3).

56. Mustard Seed versus McWorld : reinventing life and faith for the future / Sine TomPublication: Grand Rapids : Baker Books, 1999Description: 249 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [261 S554] (1).

57. Encountering Violence in the Bible / Zehnder Markus ; Hagelia HallvardPublication: : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013Description: 309 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.8 E53] (1).

58. Один в мире? : Уникальность человека в науке и богословии. / ван Хайстин Венцель ; van Huyssteen Wentzel = Alone in the world? : human uniqueness in science and theologyPublication: Москва : Библейско-Богословский институт св. апостола Андрея (ББИ), 2014Description: xxiv, 373 с. c. : цв. ил.Availability: Items available for loan: [233.5 Х15] (2).

59. The changing face of world missions : engaging contemporary issues and trends. / Pocock Michael ; Van Rheenen GailynPublication: Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2005Description: 391 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [266.009 P63] (1).

60. Bringing the church to the world. / Wright N.TomPublication: Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1993Description: 221 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [262.0017 W952b] (1).

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