Your search returned 69 results. Subscribe to this search

61. Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual : Origins, Context, and Meaning / Feder YitzhaqPublication: Leiden : Brill (Holland), 2011Description: 309 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [221.67 F43] (1).

62. The lost world of Adam and Eve : Genesis 2-3 and the human origins debate. / Walton John H.Publication: Downers Grove : IVP Academic, 2015Description: 255 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [222.1106 W35] (1).

63. Как быть родителем в безумном мире и воспитать детей, выделяющихся из толпы. = Effective parenting in a defective world : how to raise kids who stand out from the crowdPublication: Киев : Путешествие по Библии, 2010Description: 212 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [248.845 И59] (1).

64. Sharing Jesus in the Two-Thirds World (Bangkok, 1982) / Samuel V.TPublication: Grand Rapids : Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1983Description: 284 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [232 S26] (1).

65. The muslim worldPublication: Hoboken : Wiley-BlackwellAvailability: Items available for reference: (1).

66. Christianity encountering world religions : the practice of mission in the twenty-first century / Terry Muck, Frances AdeneyPublication: : Baker Academic, 2009Description: 407 c. : ill.Availability: Items available for loan: [266.001 M73 2009] (1).

67. Jesus Christ in world history : his presence and representation in cyclical and linear settings / Jan A.B. JongeneelPublication: Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2009Description: xi, 453 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [232.09 J648 2007] (1).

68. Early Christian life and thought in social context : a reader / [compiled by] Mark HardingPublication: Edinburgh : T&T Clark International, 2003Description: xxi, 370 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [270.1 E124] (1).

69. Доминион = Dominion : how the Christian revolution remade the world : История об одной революционной идее, полностью изменившей западное мировозрение / Т. Холланд ; Пер. с англ. К. ИстоминаTranslation of: 700, 200Tom Holland, DominionPublication: Москва : Бомбора, Эксмо, 2021Description: 720 с.Availability: Items available for loan: [270 Х72д] (1).

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