Your search returned 83 results. Subscribe to this search

81. James : wisdom of James, disciple of Jesus the sage / Richard BauckhamPublication: : Routledge, 1999Description: x, 246 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.9106 B38j] (1).

82. Christliche Existenz nach dem Jakobusbrief : eine Studie zu seiner soteriologischen und ethischen Konzeption / Matthias KonradtPublication: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1998Description: 406 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.9106 K657] (1).

83. Толкование Посланий Иакова и Петра / Баркли УильямPublication: : Всемирный союз баптистов, 1985, : Herald PressDescription: 380 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [225.7 Б25т] (1).

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