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1. Commentary: Practical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible / Jamieson Robert ; Brown David ; Fausset A. RPublication: Zondervan Publishing House, 1961Description: 1591 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.7 J36] (1).

2. A Commentary: Critical, experimental and practical on the Old & NewTestaments. V.1: Genesis - Deuteronomy / Jamieson RobertPublication: Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1973Description: 650 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.7 J36] (1).

3. A Commentary: Critical, experimental and practical on the Old & New Testaments. V.3: Matthew - Revelation / Jamieson Robert ; Brown David ; Fausset A. RPublication: Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1973Description: 731 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.7 J36] (1).

4. New Commentary on the Whole Bible (O.T. Volume) / Jamieson ; Douglas J.D. Ed. ; Hoffmeier James K., Ed.Publication: Tyndale House, 1990Description: 1372 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.7 J36] (1).

5. A commentary-critical, experimental & practical on the O. T. & N.T. Vol. I: Genesis - Esther / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973Description: 650 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

6. A Commentary-critical, experimental & practical on the O.T. & N.T. Vol. II: Job - Malachi / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973Description: 728 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

7. A Commentary: Critical, experimental and practical on the Old & New Testaments. V.2: Job - Malachi / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1973Description: 728 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.7 J36] (1).

8. A Commentary-critical, experimental & practical on the O.T. & N. T. Vol. III: Matthew - Revelation / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973Description: 731 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

9. New Commentary on the Whole Bible (N.T. Volume) / Jamieson ; Douglas J.D. Ed. ; Comfort Philip Wesley, Ed.Publication: Tyndale House, 1990Description: 813 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.7 J36] (1).

10. A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. V.2: Job - Malachi / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Hendrickson Publishers, 1997Description: 1494 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

11. A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. V.1: Genesis - Esther / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Hendrickson Publishers, 1997Description: 1191 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

12. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible / Jamieson Robert ; Fausset A. R ; Brown DavidPublication: Zondervan Publishing House, 1967Description: 605 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

13. A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. V.3: Matthew - Revelation / Fausset A. R ; Jamieson Robert ; Brown DavidPublication: Peabody : Hendrickson Publishers, 1997Description: 1566 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.7 J36] (1).

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