Your search returned 3 results. Subscribe to this search

1. The pluralistic vision : presbyterians and mainstream protestant education and leadership / Coalter Milton J. Ed. ; Mulder John M. Ed. ; Weeks Louis B. Ed. ; Reifsnyder Richard W. ; Dykstra Craig ; Brackenridge R. Douglas ; Mulder John M. ; Wyatt Lee A. ; Hancock Steve ; Longfield Bradley J. ; Marsden George M. ; White Ronald C. ; Trotti John B. ; Ray Richard A. ; Wigger J. Bradley ; Hester David C. ; Boyd Lois A. ; Wulff Keith M. ; Marcum John P. ; Zikmund Barbara BrownPublication: Louisville : Westminster John Knox Press, 1992Description: 417 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [285 P733] (1).

2. Reforming fundamentalism : Fuller seminary and the new evangelicalism. / Marsden George M.Publication: Grand Rapids : Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1987Description: 319 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [207.79493 M38] (1).

3. The outrageous idea of Christian scholarship. / Marsden George M.Publication: New York : Oxford University Press, 1996Description: 142 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [371.071 M37] (1).

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