Your search returned 6 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Mission as Transformation: A Theology of the Whole Gospel / Vinay Samuel ; Sugden ChrisPublication: Wilmore : Regnum Books, 1999Description: 522 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [266 M678] (1).

2. Faith in development : partnership between the World Bank and the churches of Africa / Sugden Chris ; Belshaw Deryke ; Calderisi RobertPublication: Wilmore : Regnum Books, 2001Description: 246 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [276 F174] (1).

3. Seeking the Asian face of Jesus (Regnum studies in mission) / Sugden ChrisPublication: Wilmore : Regnum, 1997Description: 496 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [275 S947s] (1).

4. Markets, fair trade and the kingdom of God : essays to celebrate Traidcraft's 21st birthday / Sugden Chris ; Johnson PeterPublication: Wilmore : Regnum, 2001Description: 155 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241.622 M345] (1).

5. Luke : Bible Study Commentary / Osborne June ; Sugden ChrisPublication: : Scripture Union, 1987Description: 120 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.4 O81L] (1).

6. Gospel, culture, and transformation : a reprint with a new introduction of part two Seeking the Asian face of Jesus / Sugden ChrisPublication: Wilmore : Regnum, 2000Description: viii, 151 p c. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [266 S782 | HN39.A7 S782 ] (1).

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