The New International Commentary on the N.T. - The Epistles of John / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978Description: 274 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [225.77 N532] (1).
The New international Greek Testament commentary - The Gospel of Luke / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Grand Rapids : Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978Description: 928 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [225.7 N532] (1).
New Testament Interpretation : Essays on Principles and Methods. / Marshall I.HowardPublication: : The Paternoster Press, 1992Description: 406 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [225.6 N532] (2).
1 Peter (The IVP New Testament commentary series) [Photocopy] / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 1991Description: 184 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.92 M368f] (1).
Pocket guide to christian beliefs.-3rd. ed / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Downers Grove : Inter Varsity Press, 1978Description: 144 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [230 M37] (1).
Tyndale N.T. Commentaries - The Acts of the Apostles: an introduction and commentary / Marshall I.Howard ; Tasker R.V.G.Publication: Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press (UK), 1980Description: 427 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [225.7 T96] (1).
1 and 2 Thessalonians (The New Century Bible Commentary) / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans, 1983Description: 0 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.81 M368f] (1).
The Acts of the Apostles (Tyndale New Testament Commentary) / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press (UK), 1980Description: 427 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.607 M37] (1).
Luke : historian & theologian (New Testament profiles) / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 1988Description: 252 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.4 M368l] (1).
Luke : historian and theologian [photocopy] / Marshall I.HowardPublication: : Paternoster Press, 1970Description: 225 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.4 M368l] (1).
Last supper and Lord's supper / Marshall I.HowardPublication: : The Paternoster Press, 1997Description: 191 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [232.957 M368l] (1).
The Epistles of John (The new international commentary on the new testament) / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1984Description: 274 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.94 M368e] (1).
Exploring the New Testament: A guide to the Letters & Revelation / Marshall I.Howard ; Paul Ian ; Travis StevenPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 2002Description: 336 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [225.61 M368e] (1).
The IVP New Testament Commentary Series - 1 Peter / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 1991Description: 184 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [225.7 I96] (1).
New Bible dictionary / Wood D. R. W., Marshall I.Howard, Douglas J. D.Publication: Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press , 1996Description: 1298 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [220.3 N532] (1). Items available for reference: [220.3 N532] (1).
Евангелие от Луки: Комментарий к греческому тексту: Реферат / Тестелец Я.Г. ; Marshall I.HowardPublication: Москва : Центр библейско-патрологических исследований, 2004Description: 274 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.407 Е13] (1).
I Believe in the Historical Jesus / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Grand Rapids : Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977Description: 253 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [232.9 H69 | 232.908 H69] (1).
Christian Beliefs-a brief introduction / Marshall I.HowardPublication: London : Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1963Description: 96 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [230 M37] (1).
The Work of Christ / Marshall I.HowardPublication: Ronald N. Haynes, 1981Description: 128 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [232 M37] (1).
Exploring the New Testament. V.2: A guide to the Letters and Revelation / Marshall I.Howard ; Travis Stephen H. ; Paul IanPublication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 2002Description: 336 с. c.Availability: Items available for reference: [225.61 E96] (1).