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1. The Preacher's heritage, task, and resources / Turnbull Ralph G.Publication: Grand Rapids : Baker, 1968Description: 178 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [251 T943p] (1).
2. Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology / Baker ; Turnbull Ralph G.Publication: Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1967Description: 469 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [250.03 B35] (1).
3. A Minister's Obstacles / Turnbull Ralph G.Publication: Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1972Description: 192 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [253 T87] (1).
4. "The gospel of John and The Acts of the apostles (Proclaiming the New Testament / Turnbull Ralph G. ; Ward Ronald A.Publication: Grand Rapids : Baker, 0007Description: 1961 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [226.5 W262g] (1).
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