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1. О Ба'лу: Угаритские поэтические повествования / Шифман И.ШPublication: Москва : Восточная литература РАН, 1999Description: 536 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [892.67 О13] (1).

2. Untold stories : The Bible and Ugaritic studies in the twentieth century. / Smith Mark S.Publication: Peabody : Hendrickson Publishers, 2001Description: xix, 252 p. : ill. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [492.6709 S65] (1).

3. The myth of cosmic rebellion : a study of its reflexes in Ugaritic and biblical literature. / Page Hugh R.Publication: Leiden : Brill (Holland), 1996Description: [6], 232 p c.Availability: Items available for loan: [291.13 P35] (1).

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