The moral vision of the New Testament : a contemporary introduction to New Testament ethics / Hays Richard B.Publication: Edinburgh : T.& T. Clark, 1996Description: 508 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 H425m] (1).
Богомыслие: Альманах. Вып.3 / Санников С.В.Publication: : Одесская Богословская Семинария, 1992Description: 227 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [202 Б74] (2).
Belly and body in the Pauline epistles (SNTS, monograph series / Sandnes Karl OlavPublication: : Cambridge University Press, 2002Description: 318 с. c.Availability: Items available for loan: [225 S678m] (1).
Biblical Answers to Comtemporary Issues / Ryrie Charles CPublication: Moody Press, 1991Description: 134 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 R97] (1).
The ethics of the New Testament [photocopy] / Schrage WolfgangPublication: Edinburgh : T.& T. Clark, 1988Description: 353 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 S377e] (1).
An eye for an eye: the place of Old Testament ethics today / Wright Christopher J.H.Publication: Downers Grove : Inter Varsity Press, 1983Description: 224 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241.5 W74] (1).
Issues in focus / Rosenberger MargaretPublication: Ventura : Regal Books, 1989Description: 233 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [261 I84] (1).
Этика Нового Завета / Хейз Ричард = The Moral Vision of the New TestamentPublication: Москва : Библейско-Богословский институт св. апостола Андрея (ББИ), 2005Description: 712 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 Х35э] (5).
Toward Old Testament Ethics / Kaiser Walter C.Publication: Grand Rapids : Zondervan Publishing House, 1983Description: 345 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 K35] (2).
Handbook of biblical social values / Pilch John J. ; Malina Bruce J.Publication: Peabody : Hendrickson Publishers, 1998Description: 223 c.Availability: Items available for reference: [220.95 H236] (1).
The Moral vision of the New Testament : community, cross, new creation : a contemporary introduction to New Testament ethics / Hays Richard B.Publication: San Francisco : HarperSanFrancisco, 1996Description: 508 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 H425m] (1).
Biblical ethics: a surveyPublication: The World Publishing Company, 1967Description: 300 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241.5 M423b] (1).
The Moral Teaching of the New Testament / Schnackenburg RudolfPublication: The Seabury Press, 1979Description: 387 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [230.02 S36] (1).
Walking in the ways of the Lord: the ethical authority of the O.T. / Wright Christopher J.H.Publication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 1996Description: 319 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241.5 W948w] (1).
Reading a New Testament document ethically / Mouton ElnaPublication: Leiden : Brill (Holland), 2002Description: 288 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [227.506 M934r] (1).
Theological ethics. v.1: Foundations. / Thielicke Helmut ; Lazareth William HenryPublication: Grand Rapids : Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1979Description: 697 c.Availability: Items available for loan: [241 T431t] (1).
Old Testament ethics for the people of God / Wright Christopher J.H.Publication: Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 2004Description: 520 с. c. ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [241.5 W948o | BS6.80E.84] (1).
Remembering Jesus : Christian community, Scripture, and the moral life / Verhey AllenPublication: Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2007Description: xii, 526 p. c. ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [241 V513 | BJ1251.V47 ] (1).
Old Testament ethics for the people of God / Wright Christopher J.H.Publication: Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press (UK), 2004Description: 520 с. c. ;
24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [241.5 W948o | BS6.80E.84] (1).
Око за око : Этика Ветхого Завета. : Old Testament ethics for the people of God / Райт Кристофер ; Wright Christopher J.H.Publication: Черкассы : Коллоквиум, 2010Description: 536 с. Availability: Items available for loan: [241.5 Р18] (2).